"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day

My family treated me like a queen for Mother's day. Preston made a blue clay dish/bowl on his art center field trip at preschool (mom's could not chaperone only dads). The all got me Deca Sports for the Wii. I'm am terrible at the games, but it still is fun, especially archery and figure skating. I didn't have to cook a single meal all day which was by far the best part!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring means swimsuits!

Ever since the weather has turned mildly warm, Laken has declared it swimsuit season. She has swam in the wading pool and ran through the sprinkler on numerous occasions. I've already decided to buy her another swimsuit as I'm sure she will get our monies worth out of it.

Clariol Houseparty

I am forever looking for freebies. Anyway, I belong to a site called houseparty.com where companies send you free product to have your family and friends over to try the product. My first party was free ziploc products (anything and everything under the sun that ziploc manufactures). This time the party was for Clairol. I received free hair dye vouchers to hand out and free odds and ends of other beauty products. My sister and I dyed our hair. You gotta love freebies!

Mother's Day Brunch

Our church hosts a Mother's/May Day Brunch every year. They have a different speaker each year come in to entertain.
This year Nama, Bean, Madeline, Constance, Laken and I attended. The speaker was Minnesota Author and Comedian Lorna Landvik. We dined on yummy crossiants, fruit and multigrain chips and a raspberry dessert. My mom has one of the author's books so she was able to get it autographed. Lorna Landvik often performs her stand up at Fitz's stomping grounds the Bryant Bowl! The girls did well and I only had to take them out to the playground at the very end of the question and answer session.

May Baskets!

Preston was sick on May Day. So while Braeden was entertaining all the Grandparents at school for Grandparents Day, Laken and I crafted May Day baskets for the neighborhood children. Then, after Braeden and Brad came home we all took them around as a family. The kids were so excited every time the door bell rang at our house, too. We love May Day!

Practice makes perfect!

Brad and Preston were invited to come into the dance studio to watch us practice our numbers for the Recital.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Farm America Field Trip

Braeden's 3rd grade class went on a field trip this week to Farm America near Waseca, MN. Brad was a chaperone for the trip. The photo's below were taken on a phone, so they're not the greatest.

In this photo, Braeden is one of 3 kids in a 1850's log cabin settlement. His bed space is a 3x3 foot spot on the floor.
Braeden and his classmates enter one of the old buildings as they learned about life on the prairie over the last 150 years.
Braeden was the oldest son in this example. We also learned about the one room school house, older dairy farms, home from the 1930's and of course the early settlers. It was a very difficult life in those early days!
Dad had a great time spending the day with Braeden and his classmates. He was possibly the most excited person on the trip!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Sick Kids

We have had sick children the past two weeks. Braeden had influenza B one whole week. Thankfully it was before the whole swine flu epidemic or we probably would have been freaked. Then he went back to school for the 1st time in a week last Tuesday. Tuesday night Braeden and I made a trip to the ER for excruciating ear pain. We were there from 11pm Tuesday until 2:00 am Wednesday. Fun times with a crying child and bad FOX programming. The Dr. finally diagnosed the ear infection, promptly gave him a dose of Tylenol codeine for the pain, and then we got his Zithromax from a medicine vending machine. What will they think of next! Thursday Preston slept until 8:45 am and woke up crying because he said he was "tired". Took his temp and he was down for the count. He slept most of the day Thursday and spiked a temp as high as 104 on Friday. I am hopeful we have kicked it and Laken will not get it. It has been a long two weeks couped up at home. Laken was forever asking me if she could go to someone else's house or play with someone. Poor girl!

Preston's Special Tea

Preston had his special tea at school. Each child is able to invite one guest. Preston chose Grandpa Dave as his special guest. They had some muffins and punch. And, each class performs a few musical numbers. One of the songs his class did was, "I'm in the Lord's Army." Unfortunately after the special tea he came home with a 102 degree temp.

My creations

Here's my 1st attempts at sewing. I made myself a skirt with beaded fringe at the bottom. and two doll skirts. One with ribbon embellishment and one with ribbon and flower embellishment. I can't wait to make some more things. Thanks Judy for helping me along!
