"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Friday, August 28, 2009

22 Weeks

I had my progesterone levels checked, again, yesterday. It is usually an every 2 week thing. My Dr. called last night after hours and my levels have dropped a bit since last check, so she is uping my dosage from 1ml to 2ml. She is also going to have me have ultrasounds every 3-4 weeks to check on baby's growth and development. Then, from 32 weeks until delivery she will have me come in weekly for non-stress tests and ultrasounds every two weeks to monitor baby and check fluid levels. We have passed the miscarriage stage and are now focusing on preventing preterm labor with the progesterone. Of course, all this news is scary and worrisome to say the least. I know my Dr. is extremely cautious and caring and that we are in good hands with her. I'm also, trying to give all my fears to God, but it is sometimes easier said than done. I'm feeling baby move quite a bit and I think I could feel the kicks on the outside this morning. Of course, baby decided not to perform for anyone else. We did take Amy's advice and rent a doppler, so that always gives a bit of peace of mind. Please continue praying for our family.

Crafting for Chrissy

Chrissy had requested the kids make her an apron for her birthday. It took us awhile to complete this request as we do not have any craft stores in town (boo hoo). The kids each painted a portion. Here is Laken painting her spot on the apron. Happy Belated Birthday, Chrissy!

A Family Staycation

We were in need of a get away, but with a limited budget a staycation was all the we could handle. Grandpa Dick was gracious enough to let us use their home while they were in Utah. First stop was a trip to the MN Children's Museum on Friday afternoon. A place that our children adore. It has a plethora of activities for all ages. Preston liked delivering mail, Laken loved the special Clifford exhibit and Braeden's all-time favorite is the block factory (which we always need to explore and visit toward the end).
Next came a trip to the Midway Cub foods for some groceries. We even ran into the Swenson's there! It was home to Gammy's for supper and strict orders from the boys to watch Star Wars The Clone Wars on Cartoon Network (because we do not have cable at home). We even tuned into Farve's first start.

Saturday brought a trip to Como Zoo (Free!). It was crazy busy. We parked far, far away and had to take Pudge on a bathroom break halfway there. First stop was Sparky, which proved to be by far the kids fav. We enjoyed seeing all the animals. Then, it was across the road to the park for a picnic. Brad hiked to the car and back with the cooler. The kids were complaining about how long it was taking Brad (I think they had forgotten how far it was to the car). We ate lunch and played at the park.

After Como Park came a mini trip to Como Town. The kids each got to choose one ride. Laken choose the carriage ride and loved it! Brad, Braeden and Preston went on the bumper cars, but Brad at the camera so no pics. Then, Laken and Preston found a dragon ride for 50 cents.

Supper that night was Boston Market courtesy of free and discounted meal coupons from BzzAgent Jono!

Sunday brought an adventure to Chuck E Cheese. The kids absolutely love this
place! We think it's pretty darn fun, too! We beat the lunch crowd and had a blast playing a bunch of games!

After Chuck E Cheese, a second trip to the Steele County Fair was in order. We had went on Tuesday for the rides as it was 96 cent ride night and each ride was only one ticket. Preston had went earlier with a neighbor and we met him out there. The boys again did the bumper cars while I took Lake on the Train, bounce castle and fire trucks. Our second trip brought touring every single camper from the local dealers. The kids had a blast doing this. We each agreed on the same favorite. A camper with a kids suite, complete with 4 bunks, a table and it's own bathroom. Then, we went in the animal barns and Pudge tried his had at milking a pretend cow. Laken loves the animals and Tuesday night we had to make sure to say good night to some of them.
Our finally destination on our Staycation was the movie theatre for the G-Force matinee. We stayed in budget, made great memories and had wonderful fun!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Last Week and then some

So last week was crazy. Monday I was suppose to meet my Mom in Rochester for the annual shopping trip. Got everyone loaded up in the Durango, turned the key and was greeted with nothing. The battery was completely dead. Brad was in Grand Rapids, MN for a MN Chamber of Event that the President of the MN Chamber very much asked him to be part of. I enlisted my neighbor Jane's help and with the assistance of Brad via cell we attempted to jump the vehicle to no avail. Thankfully, Mom came to our aid and graciously drove over to shop at the outlets. Then, Tuesday I woke up to debilitating shoulder pain (the exact same pain I had after camping). Thankfully I had an appointment already scheduled for Wednesday with my awesome chiropractor Dr. Jodi. I had got no sleep Tuesday night and Jodi worked on my shoulder for close to an hour on Wednesday. She showed me some great stretches that definitely helped, but it was bedtime that I suffered. I didn't sleep again until Saturday night and it wasn't totally resolved until this Tuesday. I'm convinced this must be a boy, because I had awful back trouble when I was pregnant with Pudge. Thursday brought babysitting for 6 extra children. And, my amazing and talented husband serving on a healthcare panel at a town hall with Representative Tim Walz. The other panelists were an exec from Blue Cross Blue Shield and a big wig from Mayo. There were 750 people in attendance and another 200 were turned away. Every local and Twin Cities TV stations were there. Can I just say I am in awe of how well respected my hubby is and how he can talk in front of that many people! He's amazing and deserved some respite so a staycation was in order. But, not before this:

It was pouring rain and lately the kids are all about running it, and getting just soaked. Laken decided she needed her swimsuit for the occasion and the boys decide it would be a great idea to use the landscaping rock to build a dam. My response, "I can thing of worse things they could be doing."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Elmo's Green Thumb

Nama treated Preston, Laken, Bean, Madeline, Constance and I (Braeden thought he was too big, but I think later wished he would have gone) to an evening Preformance at Sesame Street Live's Elmo's Green Thumb. But, first she took us to Roscoe's BBQ. It is a small little BBQ joint with outdoor seating. It was yummy and the kids wore off a little energy, too.

Pudge was hot eating outside. It was pretty warm, so we headed in way early for the show.

A group shot. Our sea
s were awesome! And, they were even the cheap seats. The kids complained because they had to wait a 1/2 hour before the show began. They of course were eyeing up every food and trinket that was being sold. We purchased a CD of the show. I think we have listened to it non-stop since we bought it, so it proved to be a great investment.
A scene from the performance.
I would have to say hands down Pudge had the best time of all the kids. He was totally rocking out to some of the songs. His favorite the "Trash" song that is kind of a rap song. He listens to the cd over and over. He is truly my little boy. If only I could bottle him up this way forever. Laken crashed before we hit Bryon and Preston fought sleep all the way home and then, crawled straight into bed. Then, the next
week Nama took the kids on the annual school shopping event (love this tradition that began when Braeden and Riley started Kindergarten). My mom takes the kids to a store (our pick is always Children's Place) and helps them pick out a couple of outfits, takes them in the fitting rooms to try them on and purchases them! Then, to top it all of she takes us all out for dinner! The kids (and mom, too) absolutely love this tradition! The kids usually won't think about any other school purchasing until this event is done. Laken was quite the little shopper in all of this. She picked out all of her own clothes, all dresses, and wanted to go to more stores when we were all done. She must have some Meier blood in her?!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The kids all took swimming lessons in August.

Laken was in Level I. It was her first time. I think it was mostly social time for her. She loved being in the water with the other kids. She had a great time having Aubrey as her teacher. Aubrey's mom, Bev, works with Brad. So, we know Aubrey pretty well. Laken informed us she liked Aubrey's flower suit the best (such a girl thing). She didn't pass, but we didn't anticipate she would being this was her first time and some of the kids were 2 years older than her.

Preston was in Level II and had the best time in swimming lessons, yet. Danielle was his teacher. He had her last year, too. So, he was very familiar with her. He didn't pass, either. But, he accomplished a big feat....he learned to go under the water. We have been struggling with this for years. Yeah for Preston!

Braeden was in Level IV. Danielle was his teacher. He got to experience swimming in the deep end a lot and some beginning rescuing. He absolutely loved lessons this year. He is such a little fish! He passed and will be in Level 5 next year!

In our house swimming lessons are non-negotiable. I want to have a family of strong swimmers. I think it is very important, so they will be in lessons for some time to come.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pudgie's 6th Birthday!

Pudgie turned 6 on Wednesday the 5th. Can he really be 6 already? I still remember so vividly holding him in the River Falls Hospital. He did not like to be held up against your shoulder. I should have known right then and there he was a social butterfly who wanted to see the world. He had 12 kids at his Star Wars themed birthday party. Can I just say right now how much I love, love summer birthdays! We always have his party in the garage, the kids run around wild and the weather has always been fabulous! He wanted to roast hotdogs. Thankfully Gammy, Grandpa and Nama and Grandpa were in attendance to help those or wanted to roast and to roast for those who did not. Pudge always seems to be blessed to have Riley and Calia visiting from California for his birthdays, too. And, boy the presents! He has some very generous friends and family in his life. I didn't know if it was his birthday or christmas. And, amazingly no duplicates. We, also, had a soccer pinata that was almost as big as Laken. No, I did not fill it all the way. I would have gone broke. We made his cake and just put Star Wars guys on, per his request. Then, it was lightsabers, star wars costumes and making Star Wars movies (I won't make you watch those) all night long! Happy Birthday, Preston Robert!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pudge Rodriquez

Preston finished up his 1st t-ball season. He's a lefty at bat and seemed to enjoy batting. It was hilarious watching all the kids in the outfield. They become so disinterested. Kicking the sand and drawing in it is way more fun than whatever else is happening.

Viola Concert

Braeden took up the viola this summer. Here are some snippets from the concert his beginning viola class gave. His Orchestra instructors want him to continue this fall. The commented that he is, "A great kid with talent, too!" I'm excited he has an affinity for music and jealous he has such a wonderful opportunity at school. Sure beats the clarinet any old day. I apologize for the sideways video. I can't get it to rotate. The top one is a solo he did and the bottom a group song.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

An Answer to a Little Boy's Prayers.....

Preston prayed most nights and sometimes at dinner, "God please bless our family with another baby." God has heard and answered his prayers. We had our ultrasound today (a day before Preston's birthday), and all appears to be normal at 19 weeks. Of course in our preference we do not know what we are having--we love our suprises! The kids are estatic. They are forever begging us for more siblings. My Progestrone is low, so I have been giving myself progestrone shots every Monday and Thursday and will mostly like do so for the entire pregnancy. We have cleared one more hurdle/milestone and pray that this pregnancy continues and we deliver a heathy normal baby. Thank you to the very few people that have known our news and have prayed for us. We are so excited to meet this little person.
