"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy 39 weeks!

I made Brad take these photos of me. Partly because I've never intentional posed for pregnancy pictures, other than some I took after the car accident I was in when I was pregnant with Pudge. Also, because I am totally cherishing these moments and wanted to document them. I had my appointment today. No news to report. No dilation, which I've never dilated before going into labor so that is nothing new. So, even if I wanted her to have stripped my membranes she would not have been able to. I go for my next appt on Monday morning. Then, hopefully an ultrasound for some time next week, too. (The nurse will call me on Monday). Are doctor will be out of town for a few days next week. So, I'm sure it will happen then. It did with Braeden. If it doesn't come there may be induction scheduled for the 1st or 2nd week in January. But, we are not to eager to mess with baby's and mother nature's timing just yet.

Last week Happenings

The backyard rink opened for business and has already gotten a ton of use. Even Pudgie is lasting longer out there this year. Mom has been regulated to tying and untying skates and Dad has been doing quite a bit of skating and, as always, is the maintenance man.

Preston decided he loves suits and ties when one night Laken and he dressed up. Now he can't wait to dress up for Christmas Eve. He even wore a shirt and tie to sing in church last Sunday. Previously ties would always gag him and he wanted nothing to do with them.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Laken had a Christmas Performance at her Dance School. Her teacher told me as we were walking it that Laken has really broken out of her shyness this year and is doing great dancing on her own. That was really comforting to hear! She did amazing, even her brothers were impressed and told her she did an awesome job and it takes a lot to impress those brothers!

Braeden's Choir Dance

Braeden's Concert with Viola Solo

Braeden had his Washington Elementary Christmas Concert. He performed in the Orchestra and was even chosen as a soloist! He was performed with his school choir and did a dance to one of the songs with a small group.

Baking and a Blizzard

One Wednesday the boys didn't have school due to blizzard condition.  Mom thought it would be a great idea to let the kids bake cut out cookies using Gammy's recipe.  Wow, do those cookies take an enourmous amount of patience, but they enjoyed themselves so it was all worth it.

Of course, our neighborhood family, Nolan and Leone are never far from the action.

I made Preston set aside a couple of the cookies the other day to save for Santa.  They have pretty much devoured their creations.

The boys decided the blizzard made for a great time to dig a snow tunnel.

I think Brae and Nolan thought they could "snowplow" with their "vehicles".

Star of the Game

After the Christmas program we all headed over to the hockey rink to watch Braeden take on Waseca.  Again, what a treat for him to have all his Grandparents there watching.  The ended up losing, but Braeden was named Star of the Game and got to bring home the "bulldog trophy" until the next game.  He was the first guy on the team to be honored with the award. 

Church Christmas Program

Preston and Laken performed their Christmas Program at Church.  It was fun to perform for their Grandparents.  I think they love that they are all able to be there to watch them. 

It was Laken's first year of singing and she did a fantastic job.  She is in the front row in a red dress next to a boy on one side and a girl Grace (a friend of hers) in the plaid on the other side.  Her favorite part was having an "angel halo" in her hair.

I shepherd Preston's Kindergarten class and Preston had the honor of playing Joseph.  He got to pull a big donkey down the aisle.

The girl that played Mary is our neighbor and good friend, Sophia.

He said after that he loved being Joseph!

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train

We had a holiday train make a stop in Owatonna.  I couldn't believe the number of people who came out to see it.  They even had Santa there and a stage unfolded with a Band singing Christmas Songs.  It was a fun way for us to get our
Christmas Groove on!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Santa is Scary!

Our children do not enjoying visiting with Santa.  I think I have a picture of every single one of them screaming or crying.  This was at ECFE.  I told Santa what she hoped for, for Christmas despite the crying and she did get a Curious George book from him, too.

Lighting of the Lights

Brad took the kids to Owatonna's Lighting of the Lights. There is a lighted parade.  Then, there are Carolers in the band shell in Central Park.  Then, they flip the switch and turn on the Christmas lights in Central Park.  I opted to go to the neighborhood ornament exchange and got a Willow Tree Angel ornament for my Angel tree.

Friday, December 04, 2009

36 weeks

I had my 36 week appointment.  It still all seems surreal.  I had another non-stress test.  The baby was moving like crazy and everything looked well.  She didn't do a cervical exam.  She had done one the week before and said I was thinning and she could feel the baby's head.  We started going over a birth plan.  Right now I'm saying I don't want anyone sticking my spine.  It's giving me the chills just thinking about it, but when your in labor everything can change in an instant (like I never thought My Dad, Mom, Gammy and Chrissy would be in the room for Braeden's birth).  So, I'm not swearing it off just saying the thought of it right now makes me uncomfortable.  I, also, saw my chiropractor this week.  Next week she's going to have my start taking EPO or Evening Primrose Oil to get my cervix primed to try to avoid stalling out and having to have pitocin like I've had to have at 9cm with every single birth.  She, also, said she could come to the hospital and do accupuncture while I was in labor.  Something that is very intriguing.  I may discuss it with Dr. Clubbe.  See if the hospital even allows it.  I am totally done with progestrone shots, too.  I gave myself the last one at 35 weeks!  Also, one of the things that I love about not knowing the sex of the baby is the baby guess.  Over Thanksgiving some of Brad's family, Brad, the kids and I all put in our guesses for the date the baby was going to born and the sex.  It's all written on a calendar.  So, if anyone wants in on that action just let us know. 

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Advent workshop

We always have an Advent workshop the Sunday after Thanksgiving at church.  The kids go around to numerous stations and make crafts.  Here they are making christmas cards.  They, also, made advent calendars, cross ornaments, candy ornaments, candy cane ornaments, angel handprints, candle holders and decorated a cookie to eat.

Time to Decorate the tree

After the game it was on to decorating the tree.  I could hardly get the ornaments out fast enough.  The kids get ornaments every year from Nama and Grandpa and love remembering them.  Of course Laken doesn't have as many, so she was feeling a little bummed.  But, I whipped out all the native american doll ornaments I have gotten from Bean and everything was better.  I honestly can't remember a year when everyone stuck with the decorating until the very end like they did this year.  We also did a angel tree upstairs this year, too.  I put on all the ornaments we have to memorialize all our lost babies, all the angel ornaments we have and some special ornaments from my Great-Grandpa Bill's tree that he had when I was a little girl.  They only decoration I didn't put on was the ornament of Grandpa Bob, as I didn't want it risk it breaking as it is near some of the toys upstairs.  So, it is on the tree downstairs.

His very first game

Braeden had his very first game on Saturday.  They played Albert Lea.  Braeden scored the very first goal for the very first game of the season.  Later he added an assist.  His team won 8-6.  It was an exhilerating first start for us all!

The search for the perfect tree

We have been going to the same tree farm for about 3 or 4 years now.  An older couple owns it and you take a path through the woods to the trees.  It is just such a perfect and quaint place.  They may have to close next year to let some of their trees grow so more. 

Preston found this tree first.  But, we decided after much deliberation it may be too wide. 

We later all settled on this tree.  Although Laken would have preferred a Charlie Brown tree.

Then, Dad hauled the tree through the woods and secured it to the Durango for the drive home.


Gammy had a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving snack for the kids to make.  It was Thanksgiving turkey cookies.  The were fun for the kids to make and enjoy to tie them over before the big meal. 

Here is how the cookie turned out.

Laken helped Gammy make the rolls.

And Grandpa carved the bird.  Then, we all feasted and needed to rest before we ate pie.  At 2:30 am I headed to the outlets to score some deals at Carters and The Children's Place.  Then, was at Walmart by 3:30 am to wait for the deals to be unwrapped at 5:00 am.  Stood in line forever to check out.  Headed over to Gamestop and stood in another crazy line to checkout.  Then, headed up to Gammy's with Laken to stand in lines at Kohl's, Best Buy and Joann Fabrics.  We feasted at Good Earth for lunch.  Played at Gammy's for a bit.  Then, headed to Braeden's scrimmage and finally, home were I found my feet to be swollen and very itchy. 

Braeden's tooth

So before Thanksgiving Braeden had an adult tooth growing in, in front of his baby tooth.  I casually mentioned that he may need to have it pulled as I had to have that done as a kid.  Well, it apparently lit somthing in him as he worked two days straight on his baby tooth and was successful in getting it out.  The tooth fairy even left him $3 for his extra effort.

Prayers Need for Tyler

Please keep Preston's 6 year old friend Tyler Harlicker in your prayers.  He is running in the rain at our house this summer in the above picture.  He was diagnosed with Leukemia, yesterday.  May god give Tyler strength and healing. May God give Susan, Tim, Dillon, Jacob, and Lily strength and wisdom. May God bless Tyler's medical team and help them come up with the best course of treatment for Tyler. 

Tyler at Preston's birthday party.
