"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Ohio Trip

Heidi's godson Tyler Feine and his family lives in Amelia, OH. We drove out there on Oct. 16th in the Meier family van. The kids took the 12 hour drive very well! While in Ohio we walked across the Ohio River on an amazing blue bridge...Braeden was a little freaked out by how high up we were. We went from the Kentucky side of the river to Ohio side, once in Ohio we went to a playground located under the bridge.

We also went to the children's museum located in an old train station. One of the photo's in the slideshow shows Heidi and the kids in front of the huge building. Besides spending a lot of time playing in the museum, we also took the kids to a omni theatre movie about the grand canyon and the shrinking of the Colorado River.

Of course the big reason we drove out to Ohio-Tyler Feine's football game on Friday night. Tyler is the quarterback for Amelia High School. It was a beautiful fall evening for the game and despite a loss, we had fun watching the game. Afterwards we joined Steve & Rochelle Feine and some other football parents at Buffalo Wild Wings for a post game treat.

The Cincinatti Zoo on Saturday was a big hit. We should've brought Halloween outfits, because there were like a million kids there all dressed up. However there were treats given to the kids at stops through out the zoo, which kept their nurishment up. This was a big zoo and had some awesome stuff...but the funniest part was when the rhino (pictured) shot his pee on some unexpecting spectators.

On the ride home we stopped at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway-it is a huge race track and next time we're out there we are going to do the full tour.

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