"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Take me out to the ball game

Twins Win.....kids run the bases....get free jersey....eat skittles and licorce....pudge gets uncle Mike to buy him popcorn...great time!


Amy said...

Looks like so much fun! Wish we could have been there:) If you haven't heard, we have our plane tickets to MN for Christmas!

DJ Striker said...

Love the pic with the boys and Mike - so cute. I can tell Preston has Mikes wrapped around his little finger :)
