"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The kids all took swimming lessons in August.

Laken was in Level I. It was her first time. I think it was mostly social time for her. She loved being in the water with the other kids. She had a great time having Aubrey as her teacher. Aubrey's mom, Bev, works with Brad. So, we know Aubrey pretty well. Laken informed us she liked Aubrey's flower suit the best (such a girl thing). She didn't pass, but we didn't anticipate she would being this was her first time and some of the kids were 2 years older than her.

Preston was in Level II and had the best time in swimming lessons, yet. Danielle was his teacher. He had her last year, too. So, he was very familiar with her. He didn't pass, either. But, he accomplished a big feat....he learned to go under the water. We have been struggling with this for years. Yeah for Preston!

Braeden was in Level IV. Danielle was his teacher. He got to experience swimming in the deep end a lot and some beginning rescuing. He absolutely loved lessons this year. He is such a little fish! He passed and will be in Level 5 next year!

In our house swimming lessons are non-negotiable. I want to have a family of strong swimmers. I think it is very important, so they will be in lessons for some time to come.

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