"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Time to Decorate the tree

After the game it was on to decorating the tree.  I could hardly get the ornaments out fast enough.  The kids get ornaments every year from Nama and Grandpa and love remembering them.  Of course Laken doesn't have as many, so she was feeling a little bummed.  But, I whipped out all the native american doll ornaments I have gotten from Bean and everything was better.  I honestly can't remember a year when everyone stuck with the decorating until the very end like they did this year.  We also did a angel tree upstairs this year, too.  I put on all the ornaments we have to memorialize all our lost babies, all the angel ornaments we have and some special ornaments from my Great-Grandpa Bill's tree that he had when I was a little girl.  They only decoration I didn't put on was the ornament of Grandpa Bob, as I didn't want it risk it breaking as it is near some of the toys upstairs.  So, it is on the tree downstairs.

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