"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blog catch up

Uncle Mike came on Valentine's Day to paint the girls room pink. Laken was ecstatic and chatted his ear off.
Speaking of Valentine's, here are my two littlest valentines. Brad, Clara and I also went out for a chamber sponsored dinner event.

My little Pudge has gotten bit by the Goalie bug. He loves suiting up in the backyard and last night he was pretending he was goal tending during the USA vs Canada men's game.

Clara sporting her Gammy diapers. I can't believe she will outgrew these very soon. Then, I think we will be hanging up the cloth diaper gig. It was fun while it lasted, but it is not for our busy lifestyle. I'm glad we tried though.
Here are the latest happenings in our household the last two weeks. The boys had awesome school conferences. Braeden's test scores are all well above were they are suppose to be. He is reading at a 9th grade level (thank you vision therapy!). Preston is a perfectionist (like we didn't already know that) and is such a leader in his classroom. I'm so proud of my boys!

Braeden had two hockey tourneys this month, of course momnesia set in and I forgot to bring the camera to both. He took 3rd place in the Waseca Tourney and Consolation in last weekends tourney at Breezy Point. We all had blast on our mini vacation there.


DJ Striker said...

Clara is so adorable! What a little sweet heart. It's so great that Laken and Clara have each other to do girl stuff together. I can't wait to FINALLY meet her when I am home in May. Keep her small :)

Amy said...

What cute little valentines you have:) They are sure to be best buddies.
