"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Saturday, May 01, 2010

From the Heart Fundraiser weekend

A mere few hours ago, Preston, Laken and Clara and I walked the 5k From the Heart event. I had Clara in a baby sling and Preston and Laken had my friend Michelle push them in our new Bob stroller. The all did remarkably well. We finished in 1 hour 30 minutes. It was super windy, but we finished! Laken even held my hand and walked across the finish line. The event was a benefit for their friend Tyler Harlicker who was diagnosed with Leukemia.

Tyler, Preston and Laken.

Here is a picture of us at the starting line. I had to wake Clara up to be there for the 8:30 am start time. Poor baby! Braeden and Brad were at hockey in Kasson, so I was solo parenting it. Clara is eating breakfast as we are waiting for the gun. Tyler got to do the gun to start the 5k portion. Preston and Laken riding in the lastest addition to our family the coveted Bob stroller. Love this thing.

Along the way were a pathway of signs honoring people or in memory of people. Here is one of the many along the way honoring Ty.

Yesterday there was a spaghetti supper and silent auction. The Nursery school board that I serve on decided we should hold an event for kids. We pulled this off in one months time! We called it "From the Heart for Kids...its never to young to make a difference." We asked the kids to bring a donation and then we had numerous events for them to choose from to create their own decathlon. They brought an activity card around to each event they chose and a volunteer check it off once they completed the activity. After they completed 10 activities they brought it to the snack table for ice cream, water and an apple. I worked the registration table. It was so cute to see little kids who clearly brought money from their piggy banks. We raised over $1270, which was more than any of us anticipated! The photo above is Preston and his friend Andrew doing the wheelbarrow race.

Preston and Braeden in the 3-legged race

Laken in the soccer activity.

Preston and Braeden competed in Tyler's Radical Relay.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Great to see all the new pictures of the kiddos! That one of Clara smiling in her new bed is too cute, I can't wait to FINALLY meet her this month!
