"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Clara Lily's 5 Month Stats

At 5 Months Clara Lily weighs 14 lbs 14 oz.

She can sit for quite awhile by herself (when did my baby get this big?).

She adores her siblings and will laugh so hard at them. She has developed seperation anxiety...something I'm not to keen on, but you can hardly blame the girl when she's with Mommy 24/7. I keep reminding her to remember this when she is 16. Her adorable dimples have us all wrapped around her little fingers.


DJ Striker said...

Ahahah love those butterfly shades :)

Tina said...

SO cute! Sad we are missing that baby grown up! She is just adorable.
