"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Baby Update

So I've realized that this pregnancy has gone relatively well, so I haven't needed to provide updates like I did with Clara.  The week after Laken's dance recital, was Brad's annual DC pilgrimage.  Of course I made a visit to Labor and Delivery to be monitored as I was having very bad low back pain.  The kind that makes you double over.  Thankfully, everything turned out just fine and it was determined the babe must just be laying in a bad spot.  I had an ultrasound done ,then, and my OB doc pointed out the babe already had some hair growing in.  Fast forward to the end of June.  I had a biophysical ultrasound and my OB doc, Dr. Reimer, again pointed out the hair and that the baby appears to have chubby cheeks see labeled pic above.   Then, last Thursday the ultrasound tech did an ultrasound and she, too, commented  the babe will not be a baldy and that it had some chubby cheeks.  Can't wait to see for ourselves!  Today, I had my first cervical check and Dr. Clubb says I am dilated 1 1/2 to 2 cm.  This generally is not a big deal for most, but I am a wee bit freaked as I have never, ever dilated with any of the kiddos before the onset of labor. In other words before I delivered.  I go from 0-4 like that.  So, this is uncharted territory.  I'm trying to keep calm as I realize I could just be this way for weeks, but I am so not ready for this little one to come, yet.  I have too many nesting projects to accomplish.  Not to mention a few things to purchase, too.  I am also a wee bit freaked as I lost weight this week and that sometimes is a sign of labor being around the corner, too.  I am just hoping this little one keeps baking for bit longer and I'm all crazy for nothing.
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1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Can't wait to squeeze those cheeks :)
