"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Brooke's Birth Story

August 10th, 2011 found me have contractions all day. It was hot, it was a typical August summer and I was busy running to swim lessons and swimming in the pool with my four. I didn't think much of it as the contractions were not consistent and were not getting closer. I took Braeden and Preston to Gamestop and I ran into one of my Owatonna Women's Hockey Team teammates there. We chatted a bit. Brad had a late night meeting and so, most of the kids wanted to hang out in our neighbor Annie's back yard. The kids played on her playset and her and I chatted about baby names and the fact that I was having contractions all day. I even texted Brad at his meeting to let him know about the contractions. His reply, "Tonight?" We were living the one car dream then and he hitched a ride home from his meeting from our neighbor, Mike Jacobson. We put the kids to bed and did some tasks around home. About 10 or so I went to use the bathroom and had my bloody show. I was a bit freaked to say the least has anyone that has suffered numerous miscarriages knows the site of blood prior to delivery is enough to sound the alarms. Brad called the hospital and they wanted me to come in. Annie arrived about 11 pm to stay with the sleeping kids and in we went. They checked me upon arrival and I was only dilated to a 3, which is where I had been after my last prenatal visit. She called my Dr. who was on vacation, but was thankfully, at home. She wanted me to walk the halls. Brad and I walked the halls laughing and all giddy. After quite a few laps another cervical check found me at a 4. I was staying and Dr. Clubb was on her way in. I immediately hopped into the tub. Heaven! I was staying on top of the contractions this way and felt I would not need meds if I kept doing this. Once Dr. Clubb arrived, she had different ideas. She wanted to break my water to get me delivered. I cringed as I knew this meant fast and furious contractions, but I complied. Fast and Furious the contractions did come! I was going to need something. They 1st had to give me an IV to get fluids in me. While that was happening I was burning up. Brad would no more than get a cold washcloth on me and it was hot! I refused to get in the bed, I do not manage my contractions well while lying down. I stood next to the bed until they IV was complete. Finally the anesthesiologist came and gave me my interthecal. I want from 4 to complete in an hour. Dr. Clubb let me rest for about an hour before we began pushing. After the hour, she came back and I pushed 3 times and out our perfect Brooke Adella came at 5:49 AM on 8-11-11. She weighed in at 7lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long and we have been in love ever since :)

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