"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Friday, December 04, 2009

36 weeks

I had my 36 week appointment.  It still all seems surreal.  I had another non-stress test.  The baby was moving like crazy and everything looked well.  She didn't do a cervical exam.  She had done one the week before and said I was thinning and she could feel the baby's head.  We started going over a birth plan.  Right now I'm saying I don't want anyone sticking my spine.  It's giving me the chills just thinking about it, but when your in labor everything can change in an instant (like I never thought My Dad, Mom, Gammy and Chrissy would be in the room for Braeden's birth).  So, I'm not swearing it off just saying the thought of it right now makes me uncomfortable.  I, also, saw my chiropractor this week.  Next week she's going to have my start taking EPO or Evening Primrose Oil to get my cervix primed to try to avoid stalling out and having to have pitocin like I've had to have at 9cm with every single birth.  She, also, said she could come to the hospital and do accupuncture while I was in labor.  Something that is very intriguing.  I may discuss it with Dr. Clubbe.  See if the hospital even allows it.  I am totally done with progestrone shots, too.  I gave myself the last one at 35 weeks!  Also, one of the things that I love about not knowing the sex of the baby is the baby guess.  Over Thanksgiving some of Brad's family, Brad, the kids and I all put in our guesses for the date the baby was going to born and the sex.  It's all written on a calendar.  So, if anyone wants in on that action just let us know. 


Amy said...

My guess is a girl born on Christmas day:)

DJ Striker said...

My guess is that it's a boy and he will be born on Dec. 24th 8:36PM.
