"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And we danced, and we cried and we laughed and had a really, really, really good time

So, the title above seems to sum up Ben and Chrissy's wedding. It is also the song they danced to by Macklemore as their 1st dance. So, it's
fitting :)

The day started out at the salon getting all beautiful. They really had to work their magic on me, as I was in the chair for a looong time. Laken's only request was curls and she got them and even some lip gloss and color on her cheeks ;) Chrissy looked like a model after we were finished.

Then, it was off to church to get dressed and take some pre-wedding photos. I finally got see my
boys looking all handsome!

Finally, it was time to take the way down the aisle.


Braeden escorted Gammy to her seat. Then, later he nailed his reading from the book of Sirach! Hopefully, we'll get video proof of that someday.

Jason and I ready to embark on our journey down the massive aisle.

Preston and Laken all ready to go.

Preston keeping Lake in check.

Grandpa Dick a bundle of nerves and Chrissy as cool as could be.

After the nuptials, a few picks.

The photo that bruised my ego...I was not asked to be in it by the photographer & before I could object she was done snapping it (sorry I'm a Cancer and we are sensitive buggers). Can't believe my parents snapped it, too.
Thank goodness there was a limo bus with drinks!

We're just a little all too sexy ;)
Next up my toast....


DJ Striker said...

Love all your new posts Heidi! Especially the wedding ones :) Sorry about that pic without you! There were a lot that in hind sight I wish I could have gotten, like one with just me and Preston. Ah well, maybe we can work some photo shop magic.

Mama Bucks said...

Yeah...and we never got one together and I wish the photographer could have got one of our family before everyone dismantled their attire. I, too, am hoping for a little photoshop magic. No worries about the pic, but at the time it really did bug and then, when I saw my parents actually captured it, too. I just had to post it.
