I've been thinking a lot about sportsmanship. What are the values I want my kids to adhere to. What does it look like to be a good sport?
Sportsmanship in general is defined as: the conduct and attitude of participants in sports, especially when considered commendable as in fair play, courtesy and grace in losing. This is certainly no easy task, especially in the thick of an intense competition.
I have to admit some of my children have inherited this fierce competitor trait from me. This intense fire in the heat of the battle, but how do I convey to them what being a Good Sport looks like even in the thick of the fight? To teach them and model (something I can work on, too):
* How to be respectful to officials
* To lose graciously
* To not engage in fighting behavior with words or actions
* To be humble in the victory
* To not make excuses
* To extend forgiveness to themselves and others
* To do and give more than is expected
* To not rejoice when someone else fails
We've been talking a lot lately about how God gives us these talents and it is our job to praise him in our play. Praise him in both our words and actions and, with God's, help do more than we ever thought we were capable of achieving.
The wise are mightier than the strong
and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger. (the athlete who has wisdom-who assesses the situation and plans strategies-has an advantage over a physically stronger unwise opponent. We exercise regularly and eat well to build our strength, but do we take equal pains to develop wisdom and knowledge? Because wisdom is a vital part of strength, it pays to attain it.)
So don't go to war without wise guidance;
victory depends on having many advisers. Proverbs 24:5-6
If you fail under pressure,
your strength is too small. Proverbs 24:10
Times of trouble can be useful. They can show you who you really are-what kind of character you have developed. They can help you grow stronger. Don't complain about your problems.. The trouble you face today is training you to be strong for the more difficult situations you will face in the future.
Don't excuse yourself by saying by saying, "Look, we didn't know."
For God understands all hearts, and he sees you.
He who guards your soul knows you knew.
He will repay all people as their actions deserve. Proverbs 24:12
To gloat over other's misfortune is to make yourself the avenger and to put yourself in the place of God, who alone is the real Judge of all the earth.
Don't rejoice when your enemies fall;
don't be happy when they stumble.
For the Lord will be displeased with you
and will turn his anger away from them. Proverbs 24:17-18
The best source for information on Meier Family news! This is your 24 hour news network for our crew. Stop by any time to see updated photo's of the kids, read about our latest happenings, talk about your favorite sport or to post a message. We'd love to hear from you and stay in touch.
"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy
-Rachel Campos-Duffy
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 14
Day 15 -
I had a dream recently. A vivid dream....here's how it went:
I was doing a practice race/run in the cities with a bunch of church people. I had never ran this race before. In the practice run I was way out ahead of everyone else. But then I got lost. There was no one leading the way. I had to ask for help, but no one was certain which way I needed to go. I lost my shoes, too, and started running barefoot. I ended up in a homeless part of town. There were other people lost with me there, too. The homeless were mad we were even in there "home." I said something about God being the way out of hopelessness and then, I woke up.
I couldn't stop thinking about this dream for some reason. I was talking to Brad about it, "May be it just means you want to start running, again," he said. "Maybe." I said. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a metaphor for my life.
I am ahead of the pack (not in an arrogant way, but that my soul is on fire/yearning kind of way) wanting to build my relationship with God. But, I'm lost and I don't have anyone leading me which way to go with it. No one can point me in the right direction. The losing of the shoes is me shedding the old me. And the homeless man represents my desire to serve. I think I was trying to tell the homeless man that loving God was the way out of hopelessness. Which really comes full circle to me in that God is the only one that can give me the directions and show me the way to go. He is the only one that can lead me to the right path.
Later on that day I heard this song for the first time ever....
Truth be told...I've been searching for one word. One word to be my word for 2015. A word to work on. A word that might transform me. A word that might help me strive to become the person I am mean to be. I have prayed about it, mediated on it and agonized in frustration over it....and then the whisper came to me. My world is Running: Running to God, Running to Serve, Running to the Me I'm meant to be. Running!!
I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Phillippians 3 3:12-14
Are you running the race? Have you tripped up recently? Get back on the track. Look up and remember that it is Jesus whom you are running for. The One who loved you so much that He went to the cross, shed His blood, died, and rose again from the dead... is waiting for you at the finish with open arms. SO get up... shake it off by seeking God's forgiveness through confession and repentance... and keep running!
I had a dream recently. A vivid dream....here's how it went:
I was doing a practice race/run in the cities with a bunch of church people. I had never ran this race before. In the practice run I was way out ahead of everyone else. But then I got lost. There was no one leading the way. I had to ask for help, but no one was certain which way I needed to go. I lost my shoes, too, and started running barefoot. I ended up in a homeless part of town. There were other people lost with me there, too. The homeless were mad we were even in there "home." I said something about God being the way out of hopelessness and then, I woke up.
I couldn't stop thinking about this dream for some reason. I was talking to Brad about it, "May be it just means you want to start running, again," he said. "Maybe." I said. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a metaphor for my life.
I am ahead of the pack (not in an arrogant way, but that my soul is on fire/yearning kind of way) wanting to build my relationship with God. But, I'm lost and I don't have anyone leading me which way to go with it. No one can point me in the right direction. The losing of the shoes is me shedding the old me. And the homeless man represents my desire to serve. I think I was trying to tell the homeless man that loving God was the way out of hopelessness. Which really comes full circle to me in that God is the only one that can give me the directions and show me the way to go. He is the only one that can lead me to the right path.
Later on that day I heard this song for the first time ever....
I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Phillippians 3 3:12-14
Are you running the race? Have you tripped up recently? Get back on the track. Look up and remember that it is Jesus whom you are running for. The One who loved you so much that He went to the cross, shed His blood, died, and rose again from the dead... is waiting for you at the finish with open arms. SO get up... shake it off by seeking God's forgiveness through confession and repentance... and keep running!
Saturday, January 17, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 14
Day 14 -
I've been thinking a lot lately about the way clothes may us feel and the power they sometimes have in ours & our children's lives. I attended an event this weekend were I was surrounded by a large number of girls. Most ranging in age from 8-11.
It seemed everywhere I looked the majority of the girls were sporting a very popular boot. My observation of this did not come from a place of judging but rather, a mere perception. It made me think about the power clothing has in our lives & why that is?
We all have a favorite outfit that boosts our ego whenever we put it on. We search for the perfect outfit for a job a interview. One that will help us feel confident & professional. We look for that formal dress for a dance or gala that will make us feel beautiful.
I watch my girls in this process. Watch them as they transform from themselves into princesses simply by putting on a dress. Something changes in them. They truly believe they have become that princess. You can see it in the way they sing, dance & curtsy. You can see it in the way their faces light up! Why is it that clothes are such a catalyst in this metamorphosis?
I can venture a guess. It may be for a brief instance we are taken away from our realty into something magical. Or, it transforms us from what we perceive as our ordinary or ugly into extraordinary & beautiful. I have no answers for this. I really don't. But for a moment just imagine our lives without this power clothing seems to hold.
Imagine a world were we never agonize over what to wear. We never feel insecure about the clothing choices we made. A world were we don't spend a sizable proportion of family resources on things like a pair of boots.
Or even greater than this, a world were a child isn't bullied for what they wear. You see I think I noticed all these boots, because I noticed girls sizing each other up & down. We all do it from time to time. Check out what each other is wearing and form our opinions.
But most likely the real reason this behavior struck a nerve, was because I know first hand how it feels to be bullied over your clothing. "You expecting a flood?" echos through my mind just like it did on the elementary school playground when I had a growth spurt and all my pants were no longer long enough. Or, "Nice boy jeans." when my Lee jeans were of the boys variety rather than the girls. Words, that in that moment, took away my confidence and stung like hell.
Last weekend I observed something else, too, about the girls and their boots. They may have been beautifully dressed on the inside, but their spirit did not exude that same beauty. The world focuses on what we look like on the outside. Our Heavenly Father focuses on what we look like on the inside. We need to ask ourselves, "Our we putting more time and effort on our outside rather than inside?"
While there is nothing wrong with wanting to look pretty, we need to make sure we find the balance. God would rather see us working on being drop-dead gorgeous on the inside. I'm trying to encourage my children to also seek out friends that embrace these same values.
But the Lord said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him." The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Samuel 16:7
In other words, if you stand two girls next to each other and one is Miss Teen USA whose beauty is limited to physical beauty, and the other young lady is a more average-looking girl who loves the Lord more than anything, she is the more beautiful girl in the eyes of God. God would rather see us working on becoming beautiful on the inside - the kind of beauty that lasts forever.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the way clothes may us feel and the power they sometimes have in ours & our children's lives. I attended an event this weekend were I was surrounded by a large number of girls. Most ranging in age from 8-11.
It seemed everywhere I looked the majority of the girls were sporting a very popular boot. My observation of this did not come from a place of judging but rather, a mere perception. It made me think about the power clothing has in our lives & why that is?
We all have a favorite outfit that boosts our ego whenever we put it on. We search for the perfect outfit for a job a interview. One that will help us feel confident & professional. We look for that formal dress for a dance or gala that will make us feel beautiful.
I watch my girls in this process. Watch them as they transform from themselves into princesses simply by putting on a dress. Something changes in them. They truly believe they have become that princess. You can see it in the way they sing, dance & curtsy. You can see it in the way their faces light up! Why is it that clothes are such a catalyst in this metamorphosis?
I can venture a guess. It may be for a brief instance we are taken away from our realty into something magical. Or, it transforms us from what we perceive as our ordinary or ugly into extraordinary & beautiful. I have no answers for this. I really don't. But for a moment just imagine our lives without this power clothing seems to hold.
Imagine a world were we never agonize over what to wear. We never feel insecure about the clothing choices we made. A world were we don't spend a sizable proportion of family resources on things like a pair of boots.
Or even greater than this, a world were a child isn't bullied for what they wear. You see I think I noticed all these boots, because I noticed girls sizing each other up & down. We all do it from time to time. Check out what each other is wearing and form our opinions.
But most likely the real reason this behavior struck a nerve, was because I know first hand how it feels to be bullied over your clothing. "You expecting a flood?" echos through my mind just like it did on the elementary school playground when I had a growth spurt and all my pants were no longer long enough. Or, "Nice boy jeans." when my Lee jeans were of the boys variety rather than the girls. Words, that in that moment, took away my confidence and stung like hell.
Last weekend I observed something else, too, about the girls and their boots. They may have been beautifully dressed on the inside, but their spirit did not exude that same beauty. The world focuses on what we look like on the outside. Our Heavenly Father focuses on what we look like on the inside. We need to ask ourselves, "Our we putting more time and effort on our outside rather than inside?"
While there is nothing wrong with wanting to look pretty, we need to make sure we find the balance. God would rather see us working on being drop-dead gorgeous on the inside. I'm trying to encourage my children to also seek out friends that embrace these same values.
But the Lord said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him." The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Samuel 16:7
In other words, if you stand two girls next to each other and one is Miss Teen USA whose beauty is limited to physical beauty, and the other young lady is a more average-looking girl who loves the Lord more than anything, she is the more beautiful girl in the eyes of God. God would rather see us working on becoming beautiful on the inside - the kind of beauty that lasts forever.
Friday, January 16, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 13

I've been intrigued by 7; since the 1st time it was show to me at Trinity Life Group. But, I heard God's whisper to do it in its entirety & not just for a week or two, but totally immerse ourselves in it.
We did an exercise as a family at Advent were we went around and talked about something we have a hard time being thankful for..."My things," Braeden said. I applaud him in being completely honest. And he's certainly not alone in this thought.
We live in an age were things are easily replaced. An age were our status is often achieved by the things we own. We are encouraged to buy that "thing" we desire because, "We deserve it!"
I've been thinking a lot about my own shopping habits since beginning this 7 journey. How often do we shop without intention? Shop for recreation? To fill a void? To numb the pain?
How many times have I walked into a store for specific items only to walk out with an article of clothing because I thought it was "cute" or an awesome "deal". Or, I justify it because it was on a clearance rack or store end cap.
The problem is we fill our closets and shelves with these items until we live in so much excess that we have to declutter. The very thought of continuing to shop like this actually feels repulsive at the moment. I need to change these shopping habits. Make sure I keep focused & intentional in my shopping & even gift giving. Because in the end....Having a truly rich life isn't about having a lot of money or material things. It's about living and giving intentionally 100% of the time.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 10
Day 10 -
It's clear from the vision I had over a year ago, that this is the geographical location our family is suppose to be. God plants us exactly where he wants us to be.
Months prior to my vision, I wrote a journal entry wrapped up in pity, feelings of despair and transgressions by a community & friends. It made me question where I belonged & even how God could allow it all to happen.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8
But when you are completely emptied, that's when God does his best work. He fills you up as only he can do. And in turn you are able to pour out. He says, "I want you to be all mine-overflowing with my Love, Joy & Peace. Though you are a frail jar of clay, I have blessed you with the most precious treasure: the divine light of the Gospel. Your human frailty is necessary to show that this exceedingly great power is not from you but from me. As I fill you with my glory-gifts let my wondrous light shine through into other peoples lives." -Sarah Young, Jesus Calling
I understand God was pruning me for new growth. But, I'm no longer certain he was taking away all the old was "growth" or in this case, "people" with it. If I'm honest I failed to "Love" my neighbors as themselves.
We put up 6 foot fences & close the garage door as soon as we pull in. Loving & taking care of people globally is easy. We can be anonymous. It's not as easy to love where we are. In our neighborhoods & cities. It requires us to tear down our fences & garage doors and become authentic and vulnerable.
I am poor at practicing hospitality. It's not one of my strengths. But, I really need to step outside my comfort zone & serve & love my neighbors. If they won't come to me, I need to go to them & sometimes I won't have to go very far. And the first way to do that is to open up my home. Time to step out of my comfort zone & allow the holy spirit to empower me!
Months prior to my vision, I wrote a journal entry wrapped up in pity, feelings of despair and transgressions by a community & friends. It made me question where I belonged & even how God could allow it all to happen.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8
But when you are completely emptied, that's when God does his best work. He fills you up as only he can do. And in turn you are able to pour out. He says, "I want you to be all mine-overflowing with my Love, Joy & Peace. Though you are a frail jar of clay, I have blessed you with the most precious treasure: the divine light of the Gospel. Your human frailty is necessary to show that this exceedingly great power is not from you but from me. As I fill you with my glory-gifts let my wondrous light shine through into other peoples lives." -Sarah Young, Jesus Calling
I understand God was pruning me for new growth. But, I'm no longer certain he was taking away all the old was "growth" or in this case, "people" with it. If I'm honest I failed to "Love" my neighbors as themselves.
We put up 6 foot fences & close the garage door as soon as we pull in. Loving & taking care of people globally is easy. We can be anonymous. It's not as easy to love where we are. In our neighborhoods & cities. It requires us to tear down our fences & garage doors and become authentic and vulnerable.
I am poor at practicing hospitality. It's not one of my strengths. But, I really need to step outside my comfort zone & serve & love my neighbors. If they won't come to me, I need to go to them & sometimes I won't have to go very far. And the first way to do that is to open up my home. Time to step out of my comfort zone & allow the holy spirit to empower me!
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 9
Day 9 -
I'm wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Clothes I slept in & I just done even care. I just don't.
I'm exhausted. Emotionally drained. It seems every time I turned the corner this week something broke or someone was broken. I am ever thankful God doesn't ever feel this way.
This week has been full of God's voice & his "treasures". I'm trying to understand if it is a product of our "fast" or if it is just me becoming more intentional, more expectant to hear it & find HIM in each day.
I'm still baffled this week about some of the people God has put on my path. Some of these people I have felt failed me. They weren't there when I needed them the most. But may be all along it was me that didn't invite them in. I didn't extend the hospitality.
Also, people I have been unable to extend grace & forgiveness for their transgressions against me. People I have been unable to meet in their own brokenness & insecurities because I wanted them to bear the burden of meeting me in mine.
I need to step out of my comfort zone & meet them were they are at. To love & serve them the way I want to be loved & served. To extend grace & forgiveness the way I want it extended to me.
"Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?" Jesus replied, "You must love the Lord God with all you heart, all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second and equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:36-39
Thank you God for not thinking & acting in this way:
Jesus looked at them & said, "With Man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26.
I'm wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Clothes I slept in & I just done even care. I just don't.
I'm exhausted. Emotionally drained. It seems every time I turned the corner this week something broke or someone was broken. I am ever thankful God doesn't ever feel this way.
This week has been full of God's voice & his "treasures". I'm trying to understand if it is a product of our "fast" or if it is just me becoming more intentional, more expectant to hear it & find HIM in each day.
I'm still baffled this week about some of the people God has put on my path. Some of these people I have felt failed me. They weren't there when I needed them the most. But may be all along it was me that didn't invite them in. I didn't extend the hospitality.
Also, people I have been unable to extend grace & forgiveness for their transgressions against me. People I have been unable to meet in their own brokenness & insecurities because I wanted them to bear the burden of meeting me in mine.
I need to step out of my comfort zone & meet them were they are at. To love & serve them the way I want to be loved & served. To extend grace & forgiveness the way I want it extended to me.
"Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?" Jesus replied, "You must love the Lord God with all you heart, all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second and equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:36-39
Thank you God for not thinking & acting in this way:
Jesus looked at them & said, "With Man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26.
Friday, January 09, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 8
Day 8 -
I'm struggling tonight and it has nothing to do with my clothing, my 7. It has been an emotionally draining week to say the least.
First, I'm struggling with this blog. These are my own private/journal thoughts. This is honest, authentic, bare my soul me. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I don't pretend to be an expert in spirituality, I'm Messy when it comes to that. I merely wanted a spot to reflect on this fast we are on. I wanted my kids to have access to it. I wanted them years from now to say, "Remember when Mom had us do that 7 experiment?" What was she thinking? Here it is for them to read.
I invited others on the ride because they, too, were curious. What would possess us to try this? They could see doing it for a week, but a whole month? As I explained to a friend this week. I'm not a dip your toe in kind of girl. If I'm going to do this, I'm all in. I don't want to insult God with small thinking or safe living. I'm trying to take the first steps in becoming, "a faith filled, big thinking, bet the farm, risk taker." -Craig Groeschel
Secondly, I have a child struggling with the winter blues and I don't know how to help him. We talk. I pray for him. I've tried consulting others. But, I'm really at a loss on what more to do to help him. I'm certain he will be my child that moves to a tropical climate.
I thought it was a brilliant plan to take away Brooke's paci Wednesday night. Cold turkey. On a night I didn't have any back up (Brad was staying in the cities). I was tired of looking for them. It was time. The Paci Fairy visited. Brooke is hoping the Paci Fairy will decide to bring them back. But she is doing remarkably well sans the whole pack of gum she decided to eat. Ugh! Just another step toward my baby growing up. And for a girl who has wanted to be a Mom for as long as she can remember, that's really, really tough!
Finally, Clara fell asleep for the first time in years in her own room tonight. She snuggled up on the floor right next to Laken with her blankies, pillows and baby doll. We spent a lot of time in prayer. This is quite an achievement for a girl who has suffered from extreme separation anxiety (Here is an article on it). She has made such amazing progress from where she was a year ago when it affected many areas of her life not just sleep.
Pajamas for me tonight will be jeans. I was too lazy to dry my yoga pants. Not a very inviting thought, but in this blizzard and wind that sounds like it could crash through the windows, I am thankful for a warm home. I am grateful my family is home safe and sound.
Thursday, January 08, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 7
I just finished laundering most of my 7. I'm trying to get spilled gas and its aroma out of them. I ran out of gas, yesterday, rounding the corner of the Washington School carpool lane. It seems cold temperatures trick my gas gauge into thinking there is more gas than there really is (it has happened twice now).
In my mind, the quickest method to getting my van running, again, was to walk over a mile to the nearest gas station. Little did I know, this would be the easy part (brutal cold, no boots & no additional layers and all!). Once back at the van, standing in the biting sub-zero temps, I could not figure out how to assembly the gas can nozzle. It should be easy, right? Just assemble the nozzle and pour the gas in. Not this can! It had pieces to be assembled! And, I couldn't quite figure out how the gas was going to get from the container through the spout and out the top when a permanently fixed white disc was covering it! And forget the diagram on the side. It might as well have been in Chinese.
I was bone chilling cold and I didn't want to waste an ounce of the precious gas by doing it incorrectly. I was paralyzed with stress and couldn't think clearly. I was in a tearful panic mode when God sent help in the form of Tanya. She couldn't figure out the can either. She headed into the school with it. And, emerged a few minutes later with Principal Svenby. Turns out you need to push down on the nozzle to get the white disc at the top to lift up to allow the gas through. What the what?
Principal Svenby told me, "If this ever happens, again, (Dear God, I really hope not!) just come into the school for help. Why didn't I just do that in the first place? First, because in my mind I really thought the quickest route to solving the problem was going to get the gas. It seemed an easy enough solution to me.
But, more than that, it is because I try to live up to the "Me" other people want me to be. I feel like I need to be the "Supermom" everyone tells me I am. I know to others "Supermom" is a compliment. To me "Supermom" reminds me of all my failures and shortcomings. Superheros have extraordinary super human powers. They possess abilities such as:
Expectations I just can't live up to or achieve. It sets me up for failure. Superheroes don't ask for help. They help everyone else. Carry everyone else on their back. I need to break free of this label. See it merely as a compliment and nothing more. Don't try to own it or achieve it. Don't allow it to prevent me from becoming the me I was meant to be.
In my mind, the quickest method to getting my van running, again, was to walk over a mile to the nearest gas station. Little did I know, this would be the easy part (brutal cold, no boots & no additional layers and all!). Once back at the van, standing in the biting sub-zero temps, I could not figure out how to assembly the gas can nozzle. It should be easy, right? Just assemble the nozzle and pour the gas in. Not this can! It had pieces to be assembled! And, I couldn't quite figure out how the gas was going to get from the container through the spout and out the top when a permanently fixed white disc was covering it! And forget the diagram on the side. It might as well have been in Chinese.
I was bone chilling cold and I didn't want to waste an ounce of the precious gas by doing it incorrectly. I was paralyzed with stress and couldn't think clearly. I was in a tearful panic mode when God sent help in the form of Tanya. She couldn't figure out the can either. She headed into the school with it. And, emerged a few minutes later with Principal Svenby. Turns out you need to push down on the nozzle to get the white disc at the top to lift up to allow the gas through. What the what?
But, more than that, it is because I try to live up to the "Me" other people want me to be. I feel like I need to be the "Supermom" everyone tells me I am. I know to others "Supermom" is a compliment. To me "Supermom" reminds me of all my failures and shortcomings. Superheros have extraordinary super human powers. They possess abilities such as:
When I find myself in these predicaments, I need to rely on the one and only superhero, God. Don't let stress paralyze me or labels define me, but place my trust wholeheartedly in God to guide me through it.
O Lord, you have examined my heart
and you know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, LORD.
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand! Psalm 139:1-6
You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in you book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered! Psalm 139:16-17
To quote a line from the movie Mom's Night Out...“I’m a Mess. But I’m a Beautiful Mess. I’m His Masterpiece, and that’s Enough.”
Wednesday, January 07, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 6
Day 6
I put on freshly laundered clothes this morning. Boy did it feel sooooo good! The fabrics felt heavenly and the laundered scent divine.
My Clara woke early this morning. She usually is the last to get up. She noticed the brilliant colors in the sky and inquired why the sky looked this way. She perched atop our kitchen sink and watched with such intent and curiosity. She picked out all the colors and even noticed bits of blue within it. She sat there watching her first sunrise to completion in complete amazement!
I found myself using the opportunity to talk to her about how God places treasures in each day and that it is our job to find them. "The Sunrise is treasure #1!" she exclaimed.
We dropped Brooke off at preschool and as we were pulling into our driveway Clara yelled out, "I see a rainbow! That's treasure #2!" Surely thinking she had to be kidding, I asked her to show me. And there it was. Plain as day to the naked eye (not so much in the photo I took). A sign of God's promises kept, his unfailing love. Unfiltered and beautiful!
I found myself using the rainbow for another teachable moment. I honestly found the words to not be my own, but the Holy Spirit leading me to these conversations and placing the words on my lips. I told her to imagine she was playing Mom's phone or the tablet. She would have had her head down looking at it. Her head would have been buried in it and she would have missed all these beautiful treasures.
I know I am as much guilty of it as they are (honestly, probably more). Burying my head in something. I get caught up in the..."we need to get this done, run here or do this." The busyness become the hedge to my/our spirituality. It becomes the thing that prevents us from hearing God's voice. Often our plan for the day trumps his plan. We forego the path he has already laid out for us. And in doing so, we miss all the treasures! God, I don't want to miss your treasuries!
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 5
Day 5 -
I'm struggling today. I learned today via KTIS radio that today is affectionately known as Blue Monday. That it is! I even donned my Husky Blue sweatshirt for the occasion. Not that I really donned it. I must confess I wore it bed, got up & never changed out of it. Yep! I did! Umm....after all, I certainly wasn't going to select a pair of Pajamas as part of my 7. If you are my friend, I hope you aren't too repulsed by this.
But, back to Blue Monday, it started when Preston was in tears about having to go back to school. He was going to miss being at home...all of us together as one little tribe! It broke my heart seeing him so upset about returning to school.
I offered to drive all my babies to school. Preston wanted to ride the bus. To see friends he wouldn't otherwise see during his day. Braeden and Laken gladly accepted a ride. I loaded everyone up. I first dropped off Braeden and then, Laken. As Laken stepped out of the van and into school, I lost it. Tears welled up. You see not only was I going to miss my babies, but I was on hold with the clinic trying to schedule an appointment for Laken to be seen.
She had discovered a lump on her neck that intermittently was causing her pain. She first noticed it the Friday after Christmas, but didn't bring it to our attention until over the weekend. Of course my mind raced to all the awful things it could be. I stopped of short of googling it, because googling an ailment does nobody any good.
I actually talked to her Family Doctor who tried to reassure me that she was seeing a lot of viral stuff with the same symptoms. "It's probably nothing to worry about," she said. But, my mind wandered, as it likes to do. How many other parents on THIS DAY will find their "probably nothings" turn into "somethings"? I thought about my 7 articles of clothing and how I would gladly trade all 7 for burlap sacks if it meant my children would not have to endure a "something." It reminded me of the story of Abraham and Isaac. I mean can you even imagine being told you need to sacrifice you son?
It took me back to the day my friend Susan called to tell me, "It's Cancer." And another phone call I received from her (around this time of year) in which she uttered the words, "It's back." A "something" that had my, then, 7 year old crying out in agonizing pain in the middle of Michaelson Funeral Home over the loss of his dear friend, Tyler James. Raw and emotional memories forever etched in our minds.
I soul searched all day. What really is important to me? I had listened to an audiobook called The Me I want to Be by John Ortberg and I was taken back to a passage he had wrote about not wanting to miss "The Dance" that he wants to love his wife, take care of kids and give life to his friends. Partake in the wedding, but save God the last dance. Later, after dropping off my daughter, Clara, at preschool, John Ortberg's word were echoed in the song "Love Like Jesus" by the Rhett Walker Band. Yes, God! I Don't want to Miss the dance. I want to dance the dance "with fire, sing with freedom, laugh, live and love like Jesus!"
I was cleaning the kid's bathroom. I thought about all this "stuff" we have. All of these worldly possessions I would gladly give up to spare my children from any hardship. I thought about the countless other parents that were having the same reflections on THIS DAY, too. And, there was 1Peter 3:3-4 staring me in the face (or in this case hanging on the wall & reflecting in the mirror). "Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourself instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." 1Peter 3:3-4
At the clinic on this "Blue Monday" we were greeted with friendly, reassuring faces. It turns out Laken's Doctor believes her lump to be part of a virus. She checked over many of her other lymph nodes. She instructed her not to touch the lump as this can cause it to swell. If she starts running a temperature or notice it getting much larger, we are to return. Her "Something" was indeed a "Nothing". For that I am grateful.
It is clear God is wanting us to shed some "Stuff" to make more room for love and life and, must importantly, more of him. We clutter our homes and ourselves with so much of this "stuff" that it is sometimes hard to hear his voice or gentle nudges toward something better. Gentle whispers and nudges toward the best version of us!
Monday, January 05, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 4
Day 4 -
Well. It happened. I didn't get my laundry washed and dried in an ample amount of time, so I wore a damp coat to church today. I don't think anyone was the wiser, but it sure didn't feel so great to wear a damp coat out in MN's sub zero temps.
It got me thinking about what homeless people experience in these frigid temps. I really can't complain about my 7 item wardrobe this month, because I'm sure there are people in the world who would find a 7 item wardrobe simply amazing! And, sure my damp Winter Coat was uncomfortable, but not nearly as uncomfortable as not having a Winter Coat at all. I'm certainly feeling grateful for having what I have.
On another less serious note, who knew picking out your socks each morning could bring such joy! It's really the only creative freedom I have in my wardrobe right now. And I need creativity for my soul! Now I only wished I could find a way for my children to want to play the "Match the Socks Game"!
Sunday, January 04, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 3
Day 3
I'm starting to realize I'm really going to have to be proactive with my laundry this month. I'm not a proactive person by nature, so this may be a bit of a stretch. I will definitely need to think ahead and make sure our 7 items are laundered in preparation for the next day. We've already encountered one incidence of Brad drying his sweatshirt on the dash of the van while cranking the heat on high.
And speaking of Brad, he really has the harder path. I mean his job requires business attire. He is required to look professional on a daily basis. God bless him for agreeing to partake in this experiment. I'm starting to feel like I really should have given him some parameters to include more items in his wardrobe.
Two other observations I've made:
1. Purchasing a white winter coat even if it was cheap was not very smart. After all, I have 5 kids, some of which can't resist wiping their paws & faces on me.
2. Why did I pick 2 items out of my 7 that require "Dry flat"? And why do I even own these items? Hmmm....
One thing I do know is in this bitter cold my Grey MJ pants and Huskies Hoodie feels heavenly! I am so thankfully for a warm house no matter what is in my wardrobe right now.
Saturday, January 03, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Day 2
Day 2
I don't think this month is going to be too tough. I like the simplification. It's not like I'm a fashionista. I doubt anyone even takes note of what I'm wearing anyway. Although, I'm sure there will be a minuscule number of people who know that I'm doing this and will keep tabs in order to make a comment or to try to catch me failing. I don't know why I attract these people, but I just do.
A couple of things I've noticed thus far, I'm going to miss my hair accessories. I like a good headband or flower. I'm going to apologize in advance if my underwear peeks out of my pants. I didn't want to sacrifice a shirt for a belt. I may regret that later!
I'm also, thinking I may really be sick of royal blue by months end. My wardrobe is HEAVY in it. But for a sports junkie like myself, not sporting your team colors is sacrilegious. I just can't do it. I just can't.
My kids are worried I won't keep up with laundering my 7 pieces of clothing. It is a valid point considering we currently have Mount Kilimanjaro of laundry and I consistently have at least 1 child clamoring for clean pants every morning.
Finally, I have what my friend Christy Tryhus, author of Live Life Beyond the Laundry, refers to as "Busy Mind Syndrome". I can't shut my mind off. This has caused me to begin obsessing about Children in Third World Countries and how my 7 articles of clothing relate to them. How can my excess become their enough? Then I stumbled upon this....Dress a Girl Around The World! There it was staring me down right in my Facebook feed!! I can sew! I have fabric! I need to read and research this, but I just might be able to do this! I can just hear the wheels turning in Brad's head, "Oh boy! Here we go!"
I don't think this month is going to be too tough. I like the simplification. It's not like I'm a fashionista. I doubt anyone even takes note of what I'm wearing anyway. Although, I'm sure there will be a minuscule number of people who know that I'm doing this and will keep tabs in order to make a comment or to try to catch me failing. I don't know why I attract these people, but I just do.
A couple of things I've noticed thus far, I'm going to miss my hair accessories. I like a good headband or flower. I'm going to apologize in advance if my underwear peeks out of my pants. I didn't want to sacrifice a shirt for a belt. I may regret that later!
I'm also, thinking I may really be sick of royal blue by months end. My wardrobe is HEAVY in it. But for a sports junkie like myself, not sporting your team colors is sacrilegious. I just can't do it. I just can't.
My kids are worried I won't keep up with laundering my 7 pieces of clothing. It is a valid point considering we currently have Mount Kilimanjaro of laundry and I consistently have at least 1 child clamoring for clean pants every morning.
Finally, I have what my friend Christy Tryhus, author of Live Life Beyond the Laundry, refers to as "Busy Mind Syndrome". I can't shut my mind off. This has caused me to begin obsessing about Children in Third World Countries and how my 7 articles of clothing relate to them. How can my excess become their enough? Then I stumbled upon this....Dress a Girl Around The World! There it was staring me down right in my Facebook feed!! I can sew! I have fabric! I need to read and research this, but I just might be able to do this! I can just hear the wheels turning in Brad's head, "Oh boy! Here we go!"
Friday, January 02, 2015
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Day 1 Chapter 2
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker. Our family is beginning this experiment this year. We have decided to start with #2, Clothing. Brad did not want #1, food, right off the bat due to the many functions he has in January. I bit my tongue. The kids will get a free pass with clothing and food, but the rest will require full participation & I'm sure full on complaining.
Seven pieces of clothing. How am I going to narrow my wardrobe down to seven articles of clothing? I live in MN for goodness sake! Not to mention it's the dead of winter and I'm always cold! I mean always cold! Case in point, I delivered my Oldest Daughter in March and I was freezing during labor. I mean downright teeth chattering cold. Most Women sweat. Nope, not me! I had the delivery room nurses bringing out the heated blankets left & right! So, for me picking only 7 pieces of clothing may just leave me FROZEN for the entire month of January.
Also, did I mention my Boys and Oldest Daughter play hockey? Albeit they play indoors, but let's face it, those rinks are still cold. On the other hand, it may not effect me too much to have a limited wardrobe. I may just be able to pull off wearing my Huskies sweatshirt many days in a row without anyone even noticing (as long as I keep it laundered).
Drawing from Jen Hatmaker and her Council of Friends' various interpretations of what does and doesn't comprise 7 articles of clothing, here is what we have decided.
1. Undergarments and socks get a free pass. They don't count in the #s. They just don't.
2. It's the Polar Vortex of MN winter. So we are allowed 1 hat, 1 pair of mittens and 1 Winter Coat. One and only one. And I have decided my one hat and one pair of mittens will be homemade.
With these two rules in play, hear are my coveted 7:
1. Royal blue Huskies Hoodie
2. One pair of Dark Denim Jeans
3. Matilda Jane Grey Finns (I have my friend Denise to thank for my MJ obsession)
4. Keds silver sparkle shoes
5. Blue MJ sweater (although I haven't been able to locate this in the dirty laundry)
6. Magenta striped shirt
7. Royal Blue North Face Zip up.
Here are Brad's:
1. Brown Belt
2. Brown pair of dress shoes
3. Khaki's
4. White Dress Shirt
5. A suit
6. Grey sweatshirt
7. A 2nd Dress Shirt
Let the journey begin!
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker. Our family is beginning this experiment this year. We have decided to start with #2, Clothing. Brad did not want #1, food, right off the bat due to the many functions he has in January. I bit my tongue. The kids will get a free pass with clothing and food, but the rest will require full participation & I'm sure full on complaining.
Seven pieces of clothing. How am I going to narrow my wardrobe down to seven articles of clothing? I live in MN for goodness sake! Not to mention it's the dead of winter and I'm always cold! I mean always cold! Case in point, I delivered my Oldest Daughter in March and I was freezing during labor. I mean downright teeth chattering cold. Most Women sweat. Nope, not me! I had the delivery room nurses bringing out the heated blankets left & right! So, for me picking only 7 pieces of clothing may just leave me FROZEN for the entire month of January.
Also, did I mention my Boys and Oldest Daughter play hockey? Albeit they play indoors, but let's face it, those rinks are still cold. On the other hand, it may not effect me too much to have a limited wardrobe. I may just be able to pull off wearing my Huskies sweatshirt many days in a row without anyone even noticing (as long as I keep it laundered).
Drawing from Jen Hatmaker and her Council of Friends' various interpretations of what does and doesn't comprise 7 articles of clothing, here is what we have decided.
1. Undergarments and socks get a free pass. They don't count in the #s. They just don't.
2. It's the Polar Vortex of MN winter. So we are allowed 1 hat, 1 pair of mittens and 1 Winter Coat. One and only one. And I have decided my one hat and one pair of mittens will be homemade.
With these two rules in play, hear are my coveted 7:
1. Royal blue Huskies Hoodie
2. One pair of Dark Denim Jeans
3. Matilda Jane Grey Finns (I have my friend Denise to thank for my MJ obsession)
4. Keds silver sparkle shoes
5. Blue MJ sweater (although I haven't been able to locate this in the dirty laundry)
6. Magenta striped shirt
7. Royal Blue North Face Zip up.
Here are Brad's:
1. Brown Belt
2. Brown pair of dress shoes
3. Khaki's
4. White Dress Shirt
5. A suit
6. Grey sweatshirt
7. A 2nd Dress Shirt
Let the journey begin!
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