"If you spend the majority of your days in the company of babies, toddlers, tweens or teens, then your happiness will be directly proportional to your ability to laugh often and enjoy the chaos. The child-rearing years, in particular, are meant to be hectic, playful, and fun!"
-Rachel Campos-Duffy

Friday, January 09, 2015

7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess-Chapter 2 Day 8

Day 8 -

I'm struggling tonight and it has nothing to do with my clothing, my 7.  It has been an emotionally draining week to say the least.

First, I'm struggling with this blog.  These are my own private/journal thoughts. This is honest, authentic, bare my soul me. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone.  I don't pretend to be an expert in spirituality, I'm Messy when it comes to that.  I merely wanted a spot to reflect on this fast we are on.  I wanted my kids to have access to it.  I wanted them years from now to say,  "Remember when Mom had us do that 7 experiment?"  What was she thinking?  Here it is for them to read.

I invited others on the ride because they, too, were curious. What would possess us to try this? They could see doing it for a week, but a whole month?  As I explained to a friend this week.  I'm not a dip your toe in kind of girl.  If I'm going to do this, I'm all in.  I don't want to insult God with small thinking or safe living.  I'm trying to take the first steps in becoming, "a faith filled, big thinking, bet the farm, risk taker." -Craig Groeschel

Secondly, I have a child struggling with the winter blues and I don't know how to help him.  We talk.  I pray for him.  I've tried consulting others. But, I'm really at a loss on what more to do to help him.  I'm certain he will be my child that moves to a tropical climate.

I thought it was a brilliant plan to take away Brooke's paci Wednesday night.  Cold turkey. On a night I didn't have any back up (Brad was staying in the cities). I was tired of looking for them.  It was time. The Paci Fairy visited. Brooke is hoping the Paci Fairy will decide to bring them back. But she is doing remarkably well sans the whole pack of gum she decided to eat.  Ugh! Just another step toward my baby growing up. And for a girl who has wanted to be a Mom for as long as she can remember, that's really, really tough!

Finally, Clara fell asleep for the first time in years in her own room tonight.  She snuggled up on the floor right next to Laken with her blankies, pillows and baby doll.  We spent a lot of time in prayer.  This is quite an achievement for a girl who has suffered from extreme separation anxiety (Here is an article on it). She has made such amazing progress from where she was a year ago when it affected many areas of her life not just sleep.

Pajamas for me tonight will be jeans.  I was too lazy to dry my yoga pants.  Not a very inviting thought, but in this blizzard and wind that sounds like it could crash through the windows, I am thankful for a warm home. I am grateful my family is home safe and sound.

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